Ear wax or cerumen is naturally occurring substance produced by glans in ear with provide protection to ear and also aids in lubrication. It is said to be impacted when accumulation is symptomatic or when it prevents assessment.
Prevalent in 20% of Indian population. Presents with bimodal age distribution usually in extremes of age.
Most commonly presents with hearing loss (63%), ear ache (61%), tinnitus (53.5%), dizziness, ear fullness.
Predisposing factors: self ear cleaning, long duration of usage of earphones.
1. Ear picking
2. Narrow canal
3. Foreign body impaction
4. Excessive production- due to anxiery/ fear/ stress
5. Ageing
1)1. Avoid self-cleaning: limit only to outer ear cleaning
2. Wax solvents
3. Visit health care professionals for periodic check ups
1. Ear wax solvents
2. Irrigation
3. Manual removal
4. Microsuction
Always consult your doctor before complicating further.